National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea

— NARDI Fundulea —

NARDI Fundulea continues the tradition of agricultural research performed in Romania since the end of 19th century, in using scientific approach to solve the priority problems of Romanian agriculture and is the main agricultural research unit from Romania due to the results obtained in research and development field regarding the cereals, industrial and forage crops. It is involved in: breeding and releasing varieties and hybrids of small grains cereals (common wheat, durum wheat, triticale, barley), maize, grain legumes (soybean and peas), industrial crops (sunflower and linseed) and forage crops (annual and perennial legumes and grasses); crop management systems, including ecological and conservation systems; seed multiplication, including organic seeds and dissemination of scientific research results to farmers. The NARDI Fundulea works on research fields which contribute to research in genetics (cytogenetics and molecular genetics), biotechnology, biochemistry and physiology, aimed to improving methodology of the own applied research (breeding and crop management). The breeding programs are focused on high yielding varieties, with high quality, tolerant to foliar and spike diseases and resistance/tolerance to biotic and abiotic factors. So far, over 400 cultivars of field crops have been developed at the institute, since 1957 till present. In addition to this, plant breeding is emphasizing on the value of plant genetic resources of wheat and barley, their used in the breeding programme and MAS. The Institute possess wheat and barley collections consist from genetic material which they successfully used to obtain many Romanian wheat and barley cultivars and a competitive research team, which made it innovative. At present, over 25 wheat varieties, 8 triticale and 7 winter barley varieties from NARDI Fundulea are grown on over 80% of the country’s sowing area and 5 winter wheat varieties are registered in other countries

Role within AGENT

NARDI Fundulea will contribute in providing material for:

  • WP2 - A European crop GenRes diversity atlas of wheat and barley
    • Task 2.1: Unlocking European GenRes diversity in barley and wheat – coordinated sampling of DNA.
    • Task 2.5: Coordinated QC monitoring of wheat and barley GenRes in European GB
  • WP3 - A European atlas of phenotypic information on GenRes - providing data for:
    • Task 3.2: Develop a pan-European GB phenotyping network - a replicated phenotyping study comprising 200 ‘standard check’ genotypes (50 winter/spring wheat/barley, each)
    • Task 3.3: Establishment of a pan-European wheat and barley ‘precision collection’
    • Task 3.4: Build-up decentralized training datasets for a European atlas of phenotypic information - wheat and barley phenotypic testing for biotic and abiotic stress tolerance to establish training datasets for the European precision collection (500 barley/500 wheat, phenotyping (flowering/heading time, plant height, and TKW), climatic data records
  • WP7 - Innovation management: Promoting use, sharing resources, capacity building and communication and dissemination of results
    • Task 7.4: Project Communication and
    • Task 7.5: Dissemination to target communities and exploitation - dissemination - scientific publication and training -capacity building gene bank genomics management practices]

Main contacts

Photo of Dr Liliana Vasilescu
Dr Liliana Vasilescu
Scientific Researcher Second Degree
Photo of Dr Gabriela Şerban
Dr Gabriela Şerban
Scientific Researcher Third Degree
National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea
N. Titulescu street, no. 1
Călărași county
postal code - 915200