In an exciting collaboration between two Horizon 2020-funded projects, Nils Stein, the AGENT project coordinator, delivered a concise and informative presentation during a joint workshop session with INCREASE on July 18th, 2023.
The joint workshop session served as an ideal platform for fruitful discussions and the exchange of ideas between the AGENT and INCREASE projects. By leveraging their collective expertise, these projects aim to maximize their impact on food crop diversity and contribute significantly to global agricultural sustainability. During the workshop, the AGENT project coordinator provided an overview of the project's key objectives, methodologies, and expected outcomes. The presentation showcased the major project’s results obtained so far, emphasizing their dedication to ensuring the long-term preservation and utilization of genetic resources.
The AGENT project coordinator expressed gratitude for the opportunity to engage with the INCREASE team and other workshop participants, highlighting the importance of collaboration in achieving common goals. Data management solutions were identified as a priority focal area for cooperation between both projects and further contact between relevant project partners will be facilitated.